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2:35 PM - 3:00 PM. MISCELLANEOUS: Working with an artist: dish soap, iron, and tortellini

Sala Ospiti
Thursday, November 7, 2024
14:35 - 15:00


Elena Incardona, Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, USA Working with a living artist on an exhibition can be intimidating, especially for a young registrar. Reflecting on myexperience with "Pat Lasch: Journeys of the Heart", we will review the importance of being a dutiful registrar along withbeing able to deal with a personality that is, most of the times, far from our own. We will go over what is relevant and whatwe have to adjust in our own behavior and mind set to achieve a successful exhibition. This includes having a positiveapproach toward the curator and the whole project team. We will then review the takeaways of this particular experience,that inform our job almost everyday. An Exhibition Registrar has to be ready to be very flexible, yet highly methodical andprecise. The focus will be on how to establish an efficient and, even, friendly relationship with our artist, while dealing withexhibition planning. This presentation will not list documents or provide templates, but, instead, be an actual case studyshared with colleagues at any stage of their career. The Exhibition Registrar has become a highly skilled, flexible, knowledgeable figure in the art world. Dealing with an artist is now a necessary skill that is often underestimated. The goalis to be a team, not a clash of personalities. Although we may deal with challenging ones sometimes, we have to keep oureyes on the endgame: creating an experience that is meaningful for the audience and recorded as a rewarding one for theteam.
